Eurojuris Magazine


JUMPing across borders helps grow minds

A previous Jurismus meet in Paris

The JUMP initiative for young lawyers within the Eurojuris network is set to get a boost this year and member firms are being encouraged to put forward their bright young stars to take part.

JUMP is a cross-border exchange programme which opens the door to a professional and cultural learning experience for Jurismus members, the home for the under-40s within the network.  A Jurismusser, as they are know, is hosted by a firm where they can learn how things work in another jurisdiction, and with the opportunity to forge strong connections with the host firm.  In a dual exchange, two young lawyers can swap places with each other.

Eurojuris International supports JUMP via a travel cost fund and will reimburse up to 250 EUR for each participant i.e. 500 EUR in total for a direct exchange.

And, as Jurismus president Sophie Hearle of Ashtons Legal in the UK explains: “The JUMP programme will be getting an extra push this year.  One opportunity will be during our congress in Norway in June this year. We already have firms keen to host Jurismussers, and we will be looking to make matches among the members attending.”

Claire Charman, director of LawNet UK member Stamp Jackson & Procter Limited has seen the value of taking part, as she says:  “I have hosted lawyers from Belgium and from Ukraine on the JUMP exchange programme.  On each exchange the lawyer stayed at my home to experience local culture, cuisine and people, and joined meetings within my law firm with solicitors, HR, Finance, Back Office and IT.  A barrister friend took them to the local courts and the feedback from those we hosted was great, but also the PR for potential recruits and clients that we had a contact network beyond our shores was very well received.”

Another recent JUMP visit was made by Maximilian Juncker of Hamburg-based Sagawe & Klages and IDEAL Advokatfirma in Denmark.  Speaking as host, Claus Heide Andersen of IDEAL Advokatfirma explained some of the benefits :  “Taking part in Jurismus JUMP is a little like an Erasmus year at university, but in the work environment.  It was obvious Max wanted to be more proficient in Danish within the law firm environment, and to experience the work culture in Denmark, which is quite different to Germany. Now, Max knows more about us and our way of doing things from his visit.”

The JUMP initiative isn’t just about the trip itself, as it helps build long-standing relationships between firms.  As Claus adds:  “A group from my firm made a visit to Hamburg to meet members of Max’s firm.  It included a relaxed way to get to know the people within Sagawe & Klages, as we brought the Danish ‘Friday bar’ approach of  ending the week by having a beer together. 

“Now we are planning another get-together later in the year.  It all helps to reinforce connections and build strong relationships with other lawyers that you know and trust.”

This is reflected in Max’s assessment of his visit: “Working out of another Eurojuris law firm can offer a lot of new perspectives, insights into the everyday work life in different countries and law firms, improving on a foreign language and enhancing your own network.”

Jurismus president Sophie Hearle of Ashtons Legal in the UK highlights the value of the young lawyer network

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